Saturday 31 January 2015

Blank Space

Hi guys!

So recently I've been trying my hardest to come up with a new post for you guys but my mind has been blank! Like I literally could not think of anything to write about! Sucks big time!

Then the other day whilst I was on my way home I though to myself "Hmm, why don't I write a post about not being able to write a post!" 

I know, I know, crappy idea and you guys might just hate this post and think 'Oh my gosh why are her posts so boring!' and 'What was the point of me even clicking on this blog, it's a load of rubbish!' 

Before you leave and click that search bar up there to search for your favourite blog that is 10x's better than this one let me explain the point of this post. 

This post is to let you guys know about things that have happened to me recently that I feel needs to be highlighted for you guys. 

1. So, first and foremost! Suits Season 5 has started in America! If you are from America, omg you're super lucky! Over here we are just getting Suits Season 4 on Dave which of course is great but I have already watched season 4 (I'm still watching it though because it still rules) so my friend got me the first episode of season 5 (I know naughty, but I just can't help myself! It's Suits!) and omg it was freaking AMAZING! That's all I'm saying on that matter. 

2. I am being noticed more. Okay so in life I have always been that girl in the shadows who people know but don't necessarily talk to apart from my personal friendship group but recently I've made an effort to speak to new people and become that girl that everybody knows and they actually don't mind talking to. And it worked! Not only have I made more friends, I have had the attention from some new guys as well ;), 

3. I took my mock exams a couple of weeks back for my AS Level. Now I treated these exams like GCSE and I didn't really think about what kind of questions may come up and because of that I completely failed them! I can't stress to you guys how different going from GCSE to A Level is! It is nowhere near the same kind of workload, you have to work 10xs harder than GCSE and you have to stick to deadlines! For me I feel like part of the problem was that I went to my secondary's schools sixth form, I'm not saying that you shouldn't go to your schools sixth form because it may be a brilliant sixth form, all I'm saying is that you need to be aware of how different A Levels are from GCSE's. 

So there you are, three things that I think you should remember:
1.Watch Suits.
2.Don;t be afraid to speak up and make new friends.
3.Don't treat A Levels like GCSE's!

Thanks for reading! 

I have been AverageChlo and you have been ____ <-- FITB


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